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SK Planet



Management Vision

Based on the environmental management goal of "realization of IT-based sustainable growth," SK Planet intends to contribute to the future green transition along with the growth of the company.

Management Policy

In order to minimize the negative environmental impact that occurs in the process of corporate activities and to pursue the realization of social values through environmental management as the top priority, SK Planet has the following We are implementing the same environmental management policy. These environmental management policies are applied as basic guidelines for all executives and employees of SK Planet and their partners' business activities. External stakeholders, such as SK Planet's customers and business partners, are also advised to consider environmental management policies.

  • 1. Business Facilities
    Planet protects the environment by increasing the use of renewable energy, minimizing pollutants, and reducing greenhouse gases based on environmental management.
  • 2. Management of Waste
    SK Planet minimizes the production of waste from business activities and processes it in accordance with government regulations.
  • 3. Compliance
    SK Planet complies with environmental laws and continues to strive to improve the environment.
  • 4. Disclosure
    SK Planet discloses environmental information transparently internally and externally in accordance with global standards.
  • 5. Biodiversity & No Deforestation Commitment
    SK Planet strives to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and acknowledges biodiversity conservation and deforestation, linked to climate as significant challenges.

Environmental Data

chart : Environmental Data - Composed of Category and 2023year
Category 2023
Energy Total energy consumption (TJ) 3.072
Direct energy (GJ) 0.001
Indirect energy (GJ) 3.071
Renewable Energy Renewable energy consumption (Mwh) 5,503.35
GHG Total GHG (tCO2e) 3478.089
Scope 1 GHG (tCO2e) 949.79
Scope 2 GHG (tCO2e) 2528.3
prevention of
environmental pollution
Current status of violations of domestic and international environmental laws (Case) 0
Waste Total waste discharged (Ton) 84.09
Water Volume of water consumed (Ton) 42,171