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SK Planet



Human Rights

SK Planet enacts this human rights policy to pursue the sustainable growth and development of the company and prevent human rights violations that may occur in the course of business management. It also complies with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international standards related to human rights to carry out the value of corporate social responsibility. SK Planet promises to fulfill its responsibilities related to respecting human rights.

SK Planet Human Rights Management Principles
chart : SK Planet Human Rights Management Principles - Composed of Non-discrimination,Compliance with working conditions, Humane treatment, Guaranteed freedom of association and collective bargaining, Prohibition of forced labor and Child labor, Safe working environment, Information Protection
Non-discrimination SK Planet does not discriminate against employees on the ground of gender, race, religion, age, physical condition, political belief, social status, etc. in all business activities without any reasonable reason, and structures the organizational culture to respect diversity of employees.
Compliance with working conditions SK Planet complies with the statutory working hours of each country in which it operates, and pays all employees a reasonable remuneration for their work. In addition, we provide a work environment appropriate for the performance of duties and sufficient opportunity of education for developing the competency of and improving the quality of life for employees.
Humane treatment SK Planet respects the privacy of all employees, fully protects personal information, and does not coerce, abuse, or adversely treat employees mentally or physically. Sexual harassment and harassment in the workplace are strictly prohibited. Victim protection and remedies are implemented by operating a report channel in case of damage.
Guaranteed freedom of association and collective bargaining SK Planet respects the labor relations laws of the country to which this Human Rights Policy applies and provides sufficient opportunity for communication with all employees. We do not allow any discriminatory or disadvantage committed on the basis of workers’ union membership or non-membership or activities in the union.
Prohibition of forced labor and Child labor SK Planet does not engage in any act of violence, false imprisonment, threat or the like against any executives and employees and does not coerce any work against the free will including human trafficking. We also comply with the minimum employment age standards set by the laws of the countries and regions in which we do business. We can provide work opportunities as long as the employment is not illegal (violation) under local law, but in this case we guarantee that work will not limit educational opportunities.
Safe working environment SK Planet regularly inspects the facilities, equipment, tools and others of the business premises for all employees to work in a safe working environment and prepares the support plan for post management and appropriate measures for the purpose of preventing physical and mental hazard. In addition, we conduct regular crisis response training in preparation for emergencies, and promptly provide appropriate compensation for accidents or diseases occurring at the workplace.
Information Protection SK Planet recognizes all information related to its employees and customers as valuable assets, and takes the best measures to protect the information collected and stored through business activities. For systematic security management activities, we enact information security regulations and operate an organization dedicated to information security, and ensure that all business activities do not infringe the information of employees and customers.

Formal Grievance
Reporting or

SK Planet operates formally designated helpline channels through which both the employees and external parties (including individuals, groups and organizations) who wish to make a claim of human rights violations or have knowledge of such violations can make a formal claim. To prevent potential risks of victim-blaming and any adverse subsequent effects, the grievance reporting and escalation procedure are operated under strict confidence, and we provide the option of anonymity throughout the procedure.


SK Planet recruits diverse talented professionals with expertise and potential based on job competency. In order to secure diversity in recruitment and prevent discrimination, we clearly state this in recruitment, HR, and ethics regulations. In particular, Article 5, Paragraph 1 of the Employment Regulations stipulates recruitment and selection based on basic qualifications and job expertise, and the Code of Ethics stipulates the prohibition of unfair discrimination against employees.

Employee Diversity
chart : Employee Diversity - Composed of Category(Percentage of female employee, Percentage of female executive, Percentage of disabled employee), Unit, 2023year
Category Unit 2023
Percentage of female employee % 35.1
Percentage of female executive % 17
Percentage of disabled employee Person 24

Human Resources
Development Policy

SK Planet supports employees to grow as professionals in their fields. We put in place the right environment and system to support employees enhance their expertise and professional capabilities. SK Planet is committed to supporting employee growth and professional development.

Training Programs

Whether at company site, on campus, or online, SK Planet supports a variety of professional education programs to help employees reach their highest professional level in their career path. Under such environment, employees can voluntarily participate in education courses to advance their skill sets and job competence without disrupting their work schedules.

Professional Development Program
SK Planet provides the system and environment to support employees in their own professional growth and development. We are also committed to growing good employees into great leaders of the future. We provide opportunities for leadership capability building such as Coaching/Mentoring and Leadership School Programs based on leadership capability analysis. Furthermore, we have systematic competence building programs to train leaders of the next generation.
Leader Development Program
We give employees access to a variety of informal learning programs to help them develop competencies and skills. “Punch” allows employees to take in knowledge and information of in-house and off-site professionals during lunchtime, and “Plaster” system encourages experts in the company to share and spread their expertise and knowledge in their discipline. Moreover, under Individual Development Plan (IDP) policy, employees individually set and execute their own career and self-development plans and take ownership of their capability building.

SK Planet recognizes that protecting the lives and safety of customers, citizens, members, and workers is a top priority, and labor and management shall cooperate together to faithfully implement the safety and health management system and continuous accident prevention activities, and must implement the following.

Health and safety
management policy

  • 1. The Company management shall continuously express our commitment to safety and health management, and labor and management faithfully implement it together.
  • 2. . The company shall establish management standards by reflecting the requirements of safety and health-related laws and regulations in the safety and health management system, and fulfill its responsibilities and obligations in management activities.
  • 3. The company shall identify harmful and dangerous factors in its products, facilities, and services, make continuous improvement efforts according to priorities, and do its best to provide necessary resources in a timely manner.
  • 4. The company shall actively guarantee and create an environment for communication, voluntary consultation, and participation with stakeholders in order to maintain and promote the safety and health of stakeholders, such as customers, citizens, members, and workers, and to prevent accidents.
  • 5. The company shall provide continuous education and training and learning considering the eye level of its members and workers to enhance safety awareness and create an organizational culture in which safety is internalized.

Based on this safety and health management policy, the company shall secure the safety and health of stakeholders such as customers, citizens, members, and workers, and achieve the goal of zero serious incidents through mutual participation and cooperation between labor and management.

Health & Safety Risk

Operation of Emergency Response System, Risk Assessment, and Safety Training
SK Planet identifies harmful risk factors through annual regular risk assessment* at worksites (offices) and implements improvement and preventive measures. In order to promptly respond to incidents and prevent them, we conduct annual safety training for all employees and raise the safety awareness of employees.
Performance of Safety and Health Management
chart : Performance of Safety and Health Management - Composed of Category(LTIR(Employee), LTIR(Supplier),Employee Fatality), Unit, 2022 yaer, 2023 yaer,2024 yaer Target
Category Unit 2022 2023 2024 Target
LTIR(Employee) Case 0 0 0
LTIR(Supplier) Case 0 0 0
Employee Fatality Case 0 0 0

Employee Health

SK Planet operates welfare programs to prevent occupational diseases and improve employee health through physical and mental care. SK Planet supports employee medical coverage, health checkups, flu vaccinations, in-house fitness centers, and refresh centers.

SK Planet continues its innovation activities to provide the best service to its customers and bring out the best customer satisfaction. SK Planet is also fully committed to information security by putting the first priority on personal data and human rights protection, taking all necessary measures to prevent information leak or security breach.

Customer centered

SK Planet provides products and services that will satisfy customers’ needs by the introduction of a proactive quality control system for promoting zero-defect products in the process of product development. SK Planet maintains the quality of products and services that customers expect, and create an environment in which customers can use the products and services safely and beneficially, thereby using its best efforts to increase its customer value.

  • Customer information protection
    SK Planet complies with the laws and regulations related to customer information protection. In the product development stage, we are continuously checking and improving the work process for customer information protection, such as the introduction of Privacy Impact Assessment and ISMS-P certification. We also do our best to protect customer information through the operation of an optimal IT security system and professional customer information manager. SK Planet does not use customer information for any purpose other than the purpose of being provided or provide it to a third party, except with the consent of the customer or as permitted by law.
  • Enhancement of Customer Value
    SK Planet uses its best efforts to accurately understand customers’ needs, accept customers’ reasonable suggestions and requests, and keep the promises made to customers without fail. SK Planet provides customers with accurate information in a timely manner, so that customers can select the products and services that best suit their needs.

Information Security

SK Planet has appointed an executive-level Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), who oversees and manages duties related to the company's information security, including the establishment of information security policy, organization and operation of the Information Security Committee, analysis and management of risks, and response to security incidents and recovery.

Information Security
Response System

SK Planet operates the Information Security Incident Response System to specify procedures and responsibilities for responding to information security incidents and customer information breaches, take prompt measures and minimize risks to the company.

Information Security

SK Planet carries out information security monitoring activities to check compliance with the information security policy and processes and whether information security activities are implemented.


SK Planet conducts information security training and change management to raise its employees' awareness of information security. We strive to ensure that training feedback is applied to the next training in order to conduct training in consideration of the characteristics of the employees.