- Expanded availability of fourth round of Heemang App Course to include Seongnam City residents with application
deadline set for August 27
- Held graduation ceremony for nine students who successfully completed the 5-month course on July 31
- Established itself as a leading training program for low-income and underserved population, releasing a total of
24 graduates
Seoul, Korea, July 31, 2012 — SK Planet today announced that T Academy, Korea’s leading learning institute for mobile
technologies expanded the reach of Heemang App Course, which was only available to Seoul citizens, to include residents of
Seongnam City.
SK Planet has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding on Heemang App Course with Seongnam City Government on
July 1 to receive student recommendations from the city.
The fourth round of Heemang App Course, whose application deadline is set for August 27, will span five months from
September 10, 2012 to February 7, 2013, training a total of 30 selected enrollees. Eligibility extends only to Seoul or Seongnam
City resident aged 18 or above who is a recipient of basic livelihood subsidy or comes from a household whose income is less
than 170% of minimum cost of living.
Meanwhile, since its establishment in January 2011, Heemang App Course has released seven graduates from its first round,
eight from the second round, and nine from the third round whose graduation ceremony was held today. Seoul Metropolitan
Government is providing employment assistance to the nine graduates through Seoul Job Plus Center, while supporting their
participation in Seoul Mentor School and Seoul Career Fair.
“We are very proud of the students who completed five months of intensive training in spite of personal hardships,” said Kim
Young-chul, SK Planet’s Head of Open Collaboration Promote Center. “We will do our best to expand the reach of Heemang
App Course even further to include not only Seoul and Seongnam but other regions as well so that more people can benefit
from the program.”