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SK Planet Commercializes International Standard-Based T Map Location Platform


-Becomes the first in the industry to apply OGC standard for web-based map service
-Successfully linked the platform to Nate Map Service in September 2012 and plans to apply it to the soon-to-be-released
  T Map 4.0

-Automakers, TV manufacturers and mobile phone companies are working to develop services that utilize T Map
  Location Platform

-Plans to open APIs to general developers in November 2012 and integrate all location information services within the 
 SK Group into T Map Location Platform

SK Planet announced today that it became the first of its kind in Korea to commercialize T Map Location Platform based on
OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standard, an international standard for web-based geospatial services.

Developed under international standard using raster streaming technologies that reconstructs two-dimensional images,
T Map Location Platform offers 49 classes including marker, change of coordinates, line drawing, display of information,
display of geospatial information, address search and coordinate transformation, and over 192 APIs (Application
Programming Interface), thus enabling developers to easily create a wider variety of location information services.

T Map Location Platform significantly enhances visibility with high-definition maps taking into account the increase of
high-resolution smartphones, while providing useful location information features to not only vehicle drivers but to
pedestrians and bicycle riders as well.

Moreover, T Map Location Platform offers diverse information and features that allow developers to create differentiated
location-based services. Its features include T Map's fastest route guidance system, real-time traffic data updated every
five minutes, information on main traffic facilities/ latest addresses/ apartments, 1.3 million local area information,
mountain trail/ trekking information and truck transportation scheduling system. For more information please visit the
T Map Location Platform website at
SK Planet has completed verifying the features of T Map Location Platform by linking it to the Nate Map service in September
2012 and plans to apply the platform to the main map display of T Map 4.0 that will be released soon. At present, automakers,
TV manufacturers and mobile phone companies are working to develop interworking services that utilize T Map Location
Platform. Furthermore, from November 2012, SK Planet will open APIs of the platform to general developers so that anyone can
create services based on T Map Location Platform. In the first half of 2013, various location information services within the SK
Group will be integrated into T Map Location Platform.

"Building on our extensive experience in T Map service operation accumulated over the last decade, SK Planet is proudly
introducing T Map Location Platform that is newly applied with an international standard as well as our optimal route planning
algorithm," said Kim Jang-uk, Senior Vice President and Head of Open Social Business Unit of SK Planet. "We expect T Map
Location Platform to be used as a basis for diverse location information services for individuals as well as enterprise services
 including logistics transportation, local customer management and real estate information. In addition, we will continue to
make investments to shape T Map Location Platform into Korea’s leading map platform."