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SK Planet Joins Hands with MOIBA to Support Em-ployment of Specialized High School Graduates


- Enters into an MOU with MOIBA to provide job opportunities to talented students of specialized high schools
- Plans to offer internship programs on mobile application development and benefits including a pass through the resume
screening process

Seoul, Korea, November 18, 2011 SK Planet announced that it today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with
Mobile Internet Business Association (MOIBA, President Ko, Jin) to identify and foster future mobile application developers.
The MOU has been put in place to find and nurture future application developers as a means to further enrich the mobile ecosystem.
It especially focuses on supporting high school students with potential through diverse measures to help them develop mobile
applications and find jobs (e.g. internship opportunity, skip the resume screening process, etc.)
SK Planet will offer application developer training program to the participants of its ‘Mobile Application Contest for Specialized High
School Students’ to be held until year-end, and support commercialization of well-made applications. The contest winners will be
given job opportunities by SK affiliates (SK Communications, SKNI and Network O&S) and their business partners (Game Donga,
TOC Creative and Happy ICT Foundation).
Furthermore, MOIBA will provide participants with mentoring from professional application developers. Also winners will be given a
chance to work at MOIBA members including Galaxia Communications, Gamevil, Viscuit Creative and iwix.
“The future of mobile application market largely depends on discovering and nurturing future industry leaders,” said Lee Joo-sik,
SK Planet’s Head of Service Platform Business Unit. “The MOU between SK Planet and MOIBA will create valuable opportunities for
students of specialized high schools to develop and realize their potential.”
“We hope this MOU will help increase employment of specialized high school graduates, create a social atmosphere that places
greater emphasis on people’s abilities rather than academic background, and make it easier for SMEs to secure talents,” said Ko
Jin, MOIBA’s President.  
The MOU signing ceremony, held today at SK Planet’s Open Innovation Center, was attended by executives of both parties including
Lee Joo-sik, Head of Service Platform Business Unit of SK Planet, and Ko Jin, President of MOIBA. After signing and exchanging MOU,
they took a tour of T Academy and MD Test Center, the main facilities of Open Innovation Center.