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SK Planet’s ‘Heemang App Course’ Holds Second Com-mencement Ceremony


- ‘Heemang App Course,’ a five-month training program aimed at reigniting hope for the unemployed, released a second
round of eight graduates

- It plans to establish itself as a leading training program for the low income and underprivileged population
- Third Heemang App Course to kick off on March 5, 2012, and accept applications from January 9 through February 14  

Seoul, Korea, December 20, 2011 — SK Planet today announced that the company’s ‘Heemang App Course,’ aimed at integrating
low-income and underprivileged population into sustainable employment, graduated a second round of students.
Among the 18 students initially enrolled in the second Heemang App Course, held for 20 weeks from August 1 to December 20,
eight class members joined the graduation ceremony as ten had dropped out due to personal reasons.
All seven graduates of the first Heemang App Course program, except for one member who joined the army, succeeded in
finding employment - four at Happy ICT, one at App Tool and one at an IT outsourcing firm. SK Planet’s T Academy also plans to
spare no efforts in assisting eight graduates of the second program in finding relevant jobs.
Graduates of the second round of the program, like the first round, are mostly disadvantaged students between the ages of
early 20s and late 30s who have been denied access to professional IT education due to economic hardships despite their
dreams of becoming a programmer or developer.
The release of a second round of graduates marks a milestone for Heemang App Course, indicating that it is establishing itself
as a leading training program that gives renewed hope to the unemployed and the underserved. The program demonstrates
that vocational training designed to help people become economically self-sufficient can achieve more than what one-off support
can. Moreover, graduates themselves are the proof that anyone, regardless of their background and circumstances, can realize
their dreams as long as they have desire, passion and willpower.
“Heemang App Course gave me a new sense of hope, opening doors that have been locked to me in the past,” said Jung
Chang-ryong (male, age 36). “Going back to studying wasn’t easy and there were times when I wanted to quit, but T Academy’s
passionate lectures and support from the peers helped me through it.”

“By taking advantage of T Academy’s strong educational infrastructure, we will develop Heemang App Course into a leading
vocational training program for the unemployed and the disadvantaged,” said Lee Jin-woo, SK Planet’s Head of Corporate
Cooperation Office. “Our goal is to deliver new hope for the marginalized people struggling to find employment and start their
own business, while helping them attain economic self-sufficiency.”

Meanwhile, the Seoul Metropolitan Government and SK Planet will accept applications for the third Heemang App Course
next year. The 20-week program, which is scheduled to take place from March 5 to July 31, 2012, targets Seoul city residents aged
20 or above from low-income household seeking employment or looking to start their own business in the IT field. However,
eligibility only extends to recipients of basic livelihood subsidy or residents who come from household whose income is less than
170% of minimum cost of living.
Anyone interested in applying can visit the official website of Seoul Gumulmang Welfare Center ( or
call welfare call service (1644-0120) to receive more information and submit their applications.