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SK Planet’s T Store to Use Authentication Code to Authorize In-App Purchasing


- All new T Store applications to require authentication code for in-app purchasing from March for the first time in Korea
- Expected to contribute to minimizing customer damage from unwanted in-app purchases along with Kids-Lock feature
   introduced in Nov. 2011

Seoul, Korea, March 7, 2012 — SK Planet today announced plans to introduce, for the first time in Korea, a new authentication
process that requires users to enter an authentication number to make in-app purchases on its T Store, Korea’s largest application
In-app purchase refers to an act of buying additional content, virtual in-game items, functionality or full-version that will run
on the already downloaded application.
In preparation for the implementation of this newly added process, SK Planet completed providing T Store’s registered
developers with ‘Library,’ a free-to-play module applied with the new authentication number-based in-app purchase authorization
feature on February 28, and will begin offering applications embedded with this feature in March 2012.
From now on, all new in-app purchase applications must apply Library to pass pre-qualification and be published on T Store.
Moreover, the company will encourage developers to update their published applications to add the new authentication process.
Under the new system, users are required to enter a one-time four-digit authentication code sent to their smartphones to
complete their in-app purchase.  
The addition of the in-app purchasing process will prevent accidental in-app purchases made by users, while also offering
protection against inadvertent purchases by their children.
SK Planet has been preventing accidental in-app purchases by children through ‘Kids-Lock,’ a feature that locks children
out of T Store since November 2011. Thanks to the introduction of the new feature, those who do not use Kids-Lock feature
can also enjoy safe use of applications through authentication codes.
“We will prevent customers from receiving unexpectedly high bills caused by accidental in-app purchases by proactively
facilitating the adoption of the authentication number process for both new and existing applications with in-app purchasing
features,” said Park Jung-min, SK Planet’s Head of T Store Business Division. In fact, Kids Lock feature, launched in
November-end 2011, has been applied to approximately 90% of T Store applications with in-app purchasing functionality
in just three months.
SK Planet expects to win greater customer trust and satisfaction through the new authentication process that protects
customers by reducing damages from accidental in-app purchases by children and preventing teenagers from spending
recklessly on applications.