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SK Planet Launches SmartTouch

- Delivers integrated NFC services to make life easier: customized smartphone settings for different situations and
   environments—e.g. car, library, meeting room, etc—business card and contact information exchange and NFC
   USIM management

- World-class NFC technology to be disclosed through an open platform to launch convenient services developed
   with partners

SK Planet today announced the launch of SmartTouch, an application that helps smartphone users to apply the NFC features to
their advantage in everyday life.

NFC, or near field communication, is a type of service that supports smarter way of living. There are already some 13 million
NFC-enabled smartphones in use in Korea. With SmartTouch simple tweaking of the setting is all that is necessary to enjoy
the numerous NFC features.

SmartTouch is composed of three key services. The NFC Wizard helps set the device mode to what is appropriate for the
situation or the function required. App Picks showcases useful NFC-based apps. Last but not least, MyApp manages all the
NFC apps and USIM installed in the device.

NFC Wizard enables the user to create a unique NFC feature setting that suits his or her needs. Simply save the frequently
used features on the NFC Tag, and then attach it to an object in the place of one’s choice. For example, if inside a car, the tag
can be set to turn on the ringtone mode, Bluetooth and T Map. If in the library, the phone can be silenced and the wi-fi mode
set at once.   

It is also possible to transmit information simply by holding two devices close together. Business cards, contact URL, notes
as well as the list of downloaded apps that have been installed in the device maybe exchanged in this manner. Based on
what is stored on the tag, one can easily view information, call somebody and connect to a URL with little more than a touch
of the finger.

SmartTouch also offers the App Picks service, which basically recommends convenient NFC-based apps such as those that
can be used for credit card transactions, membership issuance, and transportation fare payment. For those who wish to keep
a better track of the NFC apps and their data usage, MyApp allows the user to search for and manage NFC services installed
on the USIM. SmartTouch can be downloaded from T Store and Google Play regardless of the carrier. 

“SK Planet, with our outstanding services and operational knowhow, is a leader in the global NFC market. However, the NFC
market itself needs to grow further,” said Kim Su-il, Senior Vice President and Head of Commerce Business Unit of SK Planet.
“We envision SmartTouch to introduce easy-to-use NFC features and services and ultimately to foster a major NFC market.”

On November 16, SK Planet disclosed the open platform Planet X and along with it the NFC open platform SmartTouch.
SmartTouch allows access to SK Planet’s world-class NFC technology as a way of supporting
developers to create new NFC-related services. 

SK Planet will hold the SmartTouch Developers’ Day event at Patio9 starting at 2:00 p.m. on December 12 with some 300
developers. The event will feature SmartTouch open platform demonstration and presentations by partners on completed
development projects, as well as a lecture on future outlook for NFC. SK Planet has plans for other events aimed at fostering
an NFC ecosystem, including the NFC Services Idea Competition, which will begin on December 12 and continue for a month.