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SK Planet hoppin Launches Reserved Download Service

- The only N screen service in Korea to offer Reserved Download function, which allows users to select desired content
   on hoppin mobile app to download via Wi-Fi during early morning hours

- To apply initially to dramas, talk shows, and other TV program with plans to expand coverage in H1 2013 to other
   genres and services

SK Planet today announced the addition of Wi-Fi based reserved download feature to hoppin, the company’s N screen
service specializing in VOD.
Reserved download makes it possible for contents to be downloaded during early morning hours when there is lower traffic
on the Wi-Fi network. Once downloaded, the user can enjoy high-definition contents at anytime, anywhere. Hoppin is the only
N screen service in Korea that offers this function for greater customer convenience.   

To utilize this function, first press ‘Reserved Download’ in the My Menu of mobile hoppin, then select the desired contents
(maximum three at a time), and turn on the wi-fi mode. The chosen contents will be downloaded between 3 to 6 a.m.
when most people are asleep and the Wi-Fi traffic is light. Download will not be successful when there is not enough
memory space left on the smartphone or when the network is set to 3G/LTE.
Initially, this service will be exclusively available to TV Mania Plan subscribers with unlimited access to television programs. 
Oftentimes, people who miss the regular broadcast are forced to wait at least 2-3 hours for the content to be updated. With
Reserved Download, there is no need to stay up all night as the contents are downloaded in the early morning and ready to
be viewed on the way to work.  
During the first quarter of 2013, SK Planet will concentrate on analyzing the usage pattern and customer demand so that the
service may be expanded to other genres and customer groups.
“Giving our customers an easy access to desired contents whenever and wherever is the value hoppin stands to deliver,”
said Lee Hae-yeol, Senior Vice President and Head of hoppin Business of SK Planet. “Reserved Download service will
lead to a more efficient consumption of contents based on one’s lifestyle and usage pattern.”