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SK planet’s latest official press releases

SK Planet Searches for New Ideas of Marrying Mobile and Things

-  SK Planet to accept project proposals by July 21 under the theme “Mobile meets things through smart devices”
-  Aims to discover and nurture creative ideas that bring together 3D printing, digital fabrication, physical computing
    and mobile platform

-  A unique venue for sharing the joy of creation through convergence of different disciplines and technologies 

Seoul, Korea, July 3, 2013—SK Planet announced today its plans to host the Creator Planet event designed as a venue
for bringing together imagination, technology, and development capacity of local creators as a basis for inventing new
manufactured products. SK Planet aims to develop innovative and original ideas that connect smart devices and
the various objects around us.

There are fascinating developments in the global technology sector. 3D printing, for example, has enabled customized
production in real-time and is now touted as a ‘manufacturing revolution.’ There is also a growing interest in Arduino*
and other physical computing technologies. These developments together with the emerging Maker Movement, which
promotes the idea that everyone can make things for their own use, form an environment conducive to creative
micro-entrepreneurship targeting niche markets.
*Arduino: Arduino is an open source physical computing platform that can store programs written on computers and can
serve as a circuit board capable of controlling machines without a separate semiconductor device.  

In recognition of these global trends, SK Planet saw the need to support creative activities of the local talents as well as
foster convergence amongst different specializations as a way of discovering and nurturing new mobile platform related ideas.

The main theme of this year’s Creator Planet event is “Mobile meets things through the smart device.”
Applicants must submit their proposals at the Creator Planet website ( by July 21.
The program is open to nearly anybody. In addition to developers and engineers in computer and/or electronic engineering,
talented individuals in design and contemporary art among others are free to participate. There is also little restriction
on what types of projects are eligible. Any project with some relevance to mobile platform is welcome.

Twenty-odd projects will be chosen by the screening committee, and the selected teams will be given an opportunity
to participate in a month-long training in August on physical computing, mobile platform and digital fabrication.
Each team can selectively participate in the courses depending on their project needs and schedule.

The final project outcomes will be showcased at the Creator Planet Conference slated for early September.
The Conference will include lectures, presentations by project teams, an exhibition, seminars and a ceremony
to award the creators of the most popular project.

“By hosting this unique event where mobile meets things, we aim to encourage creative endeavors, sharing of ideas
and the execution of those ideas into real outcomes,” said Jeon Yun-ho, Chief Technology Officer of SK Planet.
“SK Planet is committed to serving as a catalyst for change and innovation through convergence across different fields.”