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SK planet’s latest official press releases

SK Planet’s Near Kids Adds Comprehensive Safety Management Feature

-  Under partnership with SK Telecom’s subsidiary NSOK, Near Kids has added new safety features such
as CCTV system and emergency dispatch service which will be combined with existing services such as
use of NFC tagging to make missing children report, manage child’s arrival at and departure from the daycare,
and receive shuttle bus arrival updates

-  SK Planet offers training program to directors and caregivers of affiliated childcare facilities to inform
them what security measures they should take to protect personal data they hold

Seoul, Korea, July 7, 2014—SK Planet announced that a new safety management feature has been
added to Near Kids, the company’s smart childcare service that enables interactive communication between
childcare facilities and parents.
Near Kids addresses the varying needs of both the parents and the childcare providers. Parents wish
to stay close and ensure safety of their children. The caregivers want to be able to focus solely on child
care instead of being distracted by inefficient paper work. Both parties have mutual need for better
communication and trust. Near Kids is designed to meet these important needs of all who are involved
in the care of children.
SK Planet recently signed an MOU with security service company NSOK, a subsidiary of SK Telecom.
The partnership will allow SK Planet to further bolster the security element of Near Kids by combining
NSOK’s services including installation and maintenance of CCTV systems and emergency dispatch
service with Near Kids service features. The key features of Near Kids include the use of NFC tagging
to report missing children, to manage child’s arrival at and departure from the daycare, and receive
shuttle bus arrival updates.  
Under the partnership, NSOK’s CCTV solutions, crime prevention services, security patrols will be offered
to Near Kids partnering childcare facilities after receiving parental consent. Moreover, parents will be able
to view live CCTV footage through mobile app and website. As Near Kids supports both mobile and internet
access, allowing for real-time availability regardless of the user’s environment, parents can check on their
children anytime, anywhere and make sure their children stay safe and sound. With the addition of the new
safety management feature, Near Kids is expected to gain competitive advantage in the industry.   
In addition, as the revised Personal Information Protection Act came into force, SK Planet is offering training
program to the directors and caregivers of affiliated childcare facilities to inform them what security measures
they should take to protect the personal data they hold. Earlier this month, the company’s data protection
and privacy experts held a training session under the theme of ‘The Personal Information Protection Act:
What You Need To Know’ and informed 51 directors of Moamom, Korea’s largest operator of work-site
childcare centers how to store and protect personal information. Going forward, SK Planet plans to expand
the diversity and scope of its training programs to reach a wider range of childcare providers and directors
of affiliated facilities across the nation.
Near Kids is aggressively expanding the reach of it service. In just two months after launch in August las
t year through Planet X, SK Planet’s in-house venture, Near Kids has signed up 100 childcare centers
across the nation with its key features such as real-time alert function and mobile-optimized screen layout.
Near Kids has also expanded its partnership to include Federation of Childcare Centers of Seogwipo through
local government funding for the first time in the nation.